Country Pages
Cogent Communications Romania Srl
Registered Office: Bucureşti Sectorul 4, Calea Şerban Vodǎ, Nr. 133, Central Business Park, ClǎdireA, Etaj 2, Secţiunea A 2.36
VAT #: RO23983597
Tax Identification Number: 95571167
Service Locations
Cogent is directly connected at the following data centers.
NXdata 1 (FEPER)
8 Dimitrie Pompeiu
NXdata 2 (IEMI Bldg)
6A Dimitrie Pompeiu
Orange/Prime POP
Torontalului 94
Str. Loan Neniteseu, NR 2
Products & Services
Cogent offers high-speed bandwidth at each of the above locations. Product descriptions are provided below. The bandwidth is dedicated, ensuring that upload/download speeds are identical to the port speed.
FE Port
10 Mbit/s (10,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 10 Mbit/s (10,000 Kbit/s)
20 Mbit/s (20,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 20 Mbit/s (20,000 Kbit/s)
30 Mbit/s (30,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 30 Mbit/s (30,000 Kbit/s)
40 Mbit/s (40,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 40 Mbit/s (40,000 Kbit/s)
50 Mbit/s (50,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 50 Mbit/s (50,000 Kbit/s)
60 Mbit/s (60,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 60 Mbit/s (60,000 Kbit/s)
70 Mbit/s (70,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 70 Mbit/s (70,000 Kbit/s)
80 Mbit/s (80,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 80 Mbit/s (80,000 Kbit/s)
90 Mbit/s (90,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 90 Mbit/s (90,000 Kbit/s)
100 Mbit/s (100,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 100 Mbit/s (100,000 Kbit/s)
GE Port
100 Mbit/s (100,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 100 Mbit/s (100,000 Kbit/s)
200 Mbit/s (200,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 200 Mbit/s (200,000 Kbit/s)
300 Mbit/s (300,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 300 Mbit/s (300,000 Kbit/s)
400 Mbit/s (400,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 400 Mbit/s (400,000 Kbit/s)
500 Mbit/s (500,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 500 Mbit/s (500,000 Kbit/s)
600 Mbit/s (600,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 600 Mbit/s (600,000 Kbit/s)
700 Mbit/s (700,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 700 Mbit/s (700,000 Kbit/s)
800 Mbit/s (800,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 800 Mbit/s (800,000 Kbit/s)
900 Mbit/s (900,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 900 Mbit/s (900,000 Kbit/s)
1,000 Mbit/s (1,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 1,000 Mbit/s (1,000,000 Kbit/s)
10GE Port
1,000 Mbit/s (1,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 1,000 Mbit/s (1,000,000 Kbit/s)
2,000 Mbit/s (2,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 2,000 Mbit/s (2,000,000 Kbit/s)
3,000 Mbit/s (3,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 3,000 Mbit/s (3,000,000 Kbit/s)
4,000 Mbit/s (4,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 4,000 Mbit/s (4,000,000 Kbit/s)
5,000 Mbit/s (5,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 5,000 Mbit/s (5,000,000 Kbit/s)
6,000 Mbit/s (6,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 6,000 Mbit/s (6,000,000 Kbit/s)
7,000 Mbit/s (7,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 7,000 Mbit/s (7,000,000 Kbit/s)
8,000 Mbit/s (8,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 8,000 Mbit/s (8,000,000 Kbit/s)
9,000 Mbit/s (9,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 9,000 Mbit/s (9,000,000 Kbit/s)
10,000 Mbit/s (10,000,000 Kbit/s) - upload/download = 10,000 Mbit/s (10,000,000 Kbit/s)
Contract Documents
Resolving Disputes
"In the event of a bona fide, good-faith billing dispute, Customer must pay all non-disputed amounts in accordance with this CSA, and must provide written notification specifying the reasons Customer believes a bill is in error to within sixty (60) days of date of the disputed bill. COGENT will not discontinue Service for failure to pay the disputed amount while COGENT is reviewing the disputed amounts.
Any amounts that COGENT determines to have been in error and/or not in compliance with the CSA shall be adjusted in the next available invoice following the determination by COGENT. Any amounts that COGENT determines to have been correct and in compliance with the CSA shall be immediately due and payable by Customer upon notification and demand by COGENT, together with the late charge amount described in Section 2.2 of the CSA. COGENT's determination does not create a waiver by Customer of its rights under the CSA but does relieve COGENT of the obligation to not discontinue Service."
бул. Цар Освободител 17А, ет. 3, апартамент 6
София 1504, БЪЛГАРИЯ
Registered Office:
17A Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd., floor 3, apartment 6
Sofia 1504, BULGARIA
КОМИСИЯТА ЗА РЕГУЛИРАНЕ НА СЪОБЩЕНИЯТА / Communications Regulation Commission: No. 00150 / 24.10.2011 [24 October 2011]
ДДС/VAT #: BG 175401467
Договорни документи / Contract Documents:
Споразумение за нивото на обслужване - Service Level Agreement
Правила и условия - Terms & Conditions
Български Rider - Bulgarian Country Rider
Примерен формуляр за поръчка - Sample Order Form