Customer Relations

Cogent Customer Relations isn't a massive call center. It's an intimate group focused on proactively calling our top customers to check in on you. We're Internet professionals that are highly knowledgeable of Cogent's inner workings. We listen to your compliments or complaints and take them to the top. We help you resolve issues, and you help us identify what we're doing well and what we can do better.

All Cogent customers have multiple sources for information including:

Account Manager: Usually the chap who sold you the service, he or she might be most familiar with your most recent purchases. But once your service is operational, others may have better insight.

Support Desk: Customer Support Engineers can see your active ports on the network and troubleshoot technical issues. Best of all, they are available 24x7x365. Contact Support now.

Billing: Our bills are simple, but that doesn't mean you won't have questions. Dollars, cents, euros or pounds, these folks have the most accurate view of your account's billing transactions. Contact Billing now.

eCogent: When you prefer to review your account on your own, our secure customer portal provides a full view of all your orders. Download your contract, view billing and payment history, or update contact information - a host of information is available online. Go to eCogent now.

But when these sources haven't addressed your concerns or delivered the information you need, contact us. We can help.