
Cogent Communications Australia Pty Ltd

Support: +61 2 8311 3842
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If Cogent’s customer service desk has not concluded the resolution of an issue, Australian customers who would like to make a complaint to management may do so by emailing  To facilitate identification and internal research you should add your customer account number or Cogent Order ID after the text in the subject line.

Our full complaints handling policy is found below.  

Complaints Handling


Cogent is committed to providing you with the best possible service.  Cogent’s customer service desk can be reached at telephone +61 2 8311 3842.  However, we understand that there may be instances where you may feel dissatisfied with our service and wish to make a complaint to us. In these circumstances, Cogent will treat your complaint fairly, courteously and efficiently, and aim to resolve it for you as quickly as possible.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to us about our products or services, or the way we have managed a complaint. If in doubt, we will ask whether your expression of dissatisfaction is a complaint.

It is your right to make a complaint. Complaints can be made free of charge, and you will not be treated differently for making a complaint.

Making a complaint

You can make a complaint over the phone +61 2 8310 6868, or by email ( [preferred method]. You may also send a letter to our mailing address as follows:   Cogent, 2450 N St. NW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20037, USA, Attn: Ried Zulager.

If you require assistance making a complaint (e.g. for those suffering financial hardship and customers with disabilities), please let us know when you make contact with us so that we can provide specialist support as needed. You may also wish to nominate an authorised representative or appoint an advocate to contact, and deal with us, on your behalf.

We will acknowledge your complaint immediately upon receipt (if contacted over the phone), or if submitted by any other means, within 2 business days. If submitted by email, to facilitate identification and internal research you should add your customer account number or Cogent Order ID after the text in the subject line.

Handling of complaints

Upon receipt of a complaint, we will provide you with a unique reference number to help us to subsequently identify the complaint and its subject matter (including in circumstances where you request an update on the progress of the complaint, or otherwise wish to make contact with us again).

We will aim to resolve your complaint at the time it is made, wherever possible. If it can't be resolved immediately and requires further attention, we will aim to have the complaint completely resolved within 15 business days after the complaint was made or within such other timeframes as are agreed with you. For urgent matters (e.g. where disconnection of your service is imminent), we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 2 business days.

We will keep you informed of any delays to the promised timeframes for resolving complaints. If we form the view that we will not be able to resolve your complaint before the expiry of 15 business days (or 2 business days, for urgent complaints), we will let you know that as soon as we can, and keep you updated with what we are doing and the specific timeframe for resolution. If the timeframe for resolution is a further 10 business days or more, you may wish to escalate the complaint to an external dispute resolution service (such as the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman's (TIO) dispute resolution scheme in Australia, discussed below).

To help us resolve the complaint quickly and effectively, we may need your assistance in understanding your specific concerns and issues. We will make contact with you during this complaint resolution process if we require more information from you, have a resolution in mind or if the proposed timeframe for resolution changes. We will not cancel your service just because you are making a complaint, and we won't make any changes to your account without your prior agreement to do so. You can monitor the progress of your complaint by contacting us at any time.

Resolution of complaints

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.

Once we have proposed, and you have agreed, to a certain resolution, we will complete any promised actions within 10 business days (or 2 business days if the complaint is urgent), unless we have advised you of a delay or we await the taking of certain steps by you. You can also request written confirmation of the resolution once the complaint is closed. This will be provided to you within 5 business days.

If you indicate to us that you are concerned about the response times or prioritisation being applied to your complaint, we will, within 2 business days, let you know how we prioritise a complaint, the options available to escalate your complaint and the external options for dispute resolution.

If, following our investigations into the complaint, we consider that it is frivolous or vexatious and that we can do nothing further to assist you, we will inform you in writing of the reasons for the making of that decision and advise you of your external dispute resolution options.

If at any stage of the process you are unhappy with the management or treatment of your complaint by Cogent’s customer service desk (including the proposed timeframes or resolutions), you can request that we escalate your complaint to a Cogent supervisor.

External resolution

If, following escalation of the complaint and our efforts to find a resolution within a reasonable period of time, you remain unhappy, there are external organisations that you may wish to contact for advice. In particular, you can refer your complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman's (TIO) dispute resolution service in Australia.


Cogent is a member of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) in Australia. To learn more about TIO, you may visit its website at