FCC Votes to Preserve and Protect the Open Internet with Title II Regulation

WASHINGTON, D.C. February 26, 2015 – Today the Federal Communications Commission, under Chairman Tom Wheeler's leadership, voted to preserve and protect the open Internet by prohibiting blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization in the provision of Internet service to consumers. The Commission has adopted a common sense set of rules that will allow the virtuous cycle of innovation that has characterized the Internet to continue.

These rules will allow Cogent and others to continue to invest in the Internet, improve its quality and capacity, and drive down its cost. Addressing interconnection and other practices on a case-by-case basis will permit the Commission to protect consumers without adopting burdensome regulations. Cogent looks forward to Commission action to remedy the throttling by broadband Internet providers of Internet content requested by their consumers by refusing to provide sufficient capacity at points of interconnection with the rest of the Internet.

About Cogent Communications

Cogent Communications (NASDAQ: CCOI) is a multinational, Tier 1 facilities-based ISP, consistently ranked as one of the top five Internet backbone networks in the world. Cogent specializes in providing businesses with high speed Internet access, Ethernet transport and colocation services. Cogent's facilities-based, all-optical IP network provides services in 190 markets globally.

Since its inception, Cogent has unleashed the benefits of IP technology, building one of the largest and highest capacity IP networks in the world. This network enables Cogent to offer large bandwidth connections at highly competitive prices. Cogent also offers superior customer support by virtue of its end-to-end control of service delivery and network monitoring.

Cogent Communications is headquartered at 1015 31st Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20007. For more information, visit www.cogentco.com. Cogent Communications can be reached in the United States at (202) 295-4200 or via email at info@cogentco.com.

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Information in this release may involve expectations, beliefs, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements included in this release are based upon information available to Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc. as of the date of the release, and we assume no obligation to update any such forward-looking statement. The statements in this release are not guarantees of future performance and actual results could differ materially from our current expectations. Numerous factors could cause or contribute to such differences. Some of the factors and risks associated with our business are discussed in Cogent's registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in its other reports filed from time to time with the SEC.
