Blank Rome, LLP

National law firm sees clear evidences of increased productivity in Cogent connected offices
Blank Rome (Law Firm / Philadelphia, PA USA) is a growing, national law firm based in Philadelphia. With over 450 attorneys and a total of more than 1,150 personnel in 11 offices spread across the Eastern U.S., bandwidth demands at the Firm's larger offices were sky-rocketing over the past few years.
The Firm had previously functioned adequately with T1 connectivity in each office, but sluggish access to centrally run systems was becoming increasingly evident. Technology was not keeping up with the requirements of the Firm, and--in a world of billable hours and tight schedules--there is no room for such bottlenecks.
Because Blank Rome was located in Cogent lit buildings in Philadelphia and New York City, they had access to dramatically increased bandwidth for a very favorable price. The choice was obvious. Cogent connected the primary One Logan Square office for Blank Rome, allowing the company to funnel much of their external Internet access through this location.
Similarly, the Firm was able to provide faster access to its centralized software applications, such as InterAction, its CRM system, and Carpe Diem, the Firm's time-entry system to its large New York office. Blank Rome reports that it is difficult to quantify the savings they've enjoyed as a result of the additional Cogent bandwidth, but they note there certainly is increased productivity in the Firm's offices connected by Cogent.
Today, the Firm's Cogent connectivity is being extended to its Washington, DC office, in addition to the New York and Philadelphia office connections.